I know

Artist: Tom Jones (English)
User: eiderglast
Duration: 130 seconds
Delay: 12 seconds
Chord names: Not defined
Comment: -


Updated last time:
April 13, 2018, 7:44 PM
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  Eb - Cm - Fm - Bb  ( doo wop beat)
I know 
what it means
to be lost
in the dark.
I know 
what it means
to be tossed
in the storm.

I have walked alone
with a heart of stone
and despair too heavy 
for tears,
but you caught my heart
and you taught my heart
        Gm  - Bb - Bb7  
to forget the doubts and fears.
And now 
that I know
the joy 
of your love,
my head is high, 
I can face the sky
and know that the heaven 
is here below,

I know.
For you 
I could die,
for you 
I will live,
I know.
I have walked alone
with a heart of stone
and despair too heavy 
for tears,
but you caught my heart
and you taught my heart
        Gm  -      Bb - Bb7  
to forget the doubts and fears.

And now 
that I know
the joy 
of your love,
my head is high, 
I can face the sky
and know that the heaven 
is here below,
I know.
For you 
I could die,
for you 
I will live,
I know.
I know.
I know.
I know.


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